The Friday Refrain: Saturday Edition!
Do you ever feel like the red pig in the midst of the shockingly bright plastic sheep? Yeah, me too. And then on the flip of that - are you recovered from November yet? Yeah, barely me either. Thankfully it's December when you can just relax about all that planning stuff.
I've been making my Christmas Album list and checking it twice, but I'm afraid it will be next week before I can share it, with bonus Spotify playlist. (it's the playlist's fault really, and my laziness) But what came out on this first Friday of the last month of 2016? I'll tell ya! Rolling Stones are back with Blue & Lonesome. Smooth singing John Legend released Darkness and Light. Childish Gambino is back with Awaken My Love! Neil Young released Peace Trail. (and hey, his stuff is back on the streaming sites, so have it at it folks!) And that's the big ones I believe...
Deck the halls with last week's release list
As for picks for last week, I think it's best if you just tune into Half Pints once Josh gets it posted. The week slipped away from me and I had a hard time getting listens in. Only hit up like 20 albums thus far. Thank goodness it's December and the releases will start to taper off and I can catch up before trying to wrap my mind around the vast collection of amazing music that 2016 has given us. Yeah, things sucked in the world, but man we got some great music. At least there's that. So keep your ears and eyes at attention for that Christmas Album list and in the meantime, Happy Listening!